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If you do not see your question answered in the FAQ then please click here to contact our sales department.

What Is WiSpan Internet?

How fast is WiSpan Internet?

What equipment is needed?

Are packages upgradable?

Can I change plans?

Why is there an installation fee? / Is there a contract?

Help! My account has been disconnected for non-payment.

Will I have to learn anything new to use this system?

I'm tired of dealing with huge service providers, fine print, and hidden costs. Is WiSpan any different?

Is this the same as satellite Internet?

What kind of support can I expect?

Can I share the internet connection with the rest of the computers in my house?

I have multiple, non-adjacent offices. Can I connect all of them?

How many computers can I connect?

Will the antenna look ridiculous on my house?

Can I install the equipment myself?

Do you offer other services?

Why should I sign-up if I might not be able to get the service?